Monday 2 August 2010


How beautiful these mountains are!!!
It was raining when we got to Salzburg - but that didn't stop us from going out and exploring - See me on the stairs - we have walked soooo many stairs on this trip!!!
We went to this castle - "Festung Hohensalzburg".
Oh, and some of you may not know that Salzburg is the where "Sound of Music" was set. It's famous around here!
Yesterday Landon and I separated for a little bit - we will meet back up in Switzerland.
It's kind of strange not being able to experience and share and talk about everything with someone else - so, I guess it's nice that I have this blog then.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for storming the castle with me Bellers, it was fun, but don't touch the weapons, or you will be yelled at.
