Wednesday 4 August 2010

Werfen & the Eisriesenwelt Hohle

So, I took a day tour down south to Werfen and the Eisriesenwelt Hohle - that is the world's largest accessible ice caves! The hike up the mountain was long and hot and gruelling, but absolutely GORGEOUS!!! The scenery took my breath away! Every minute I wanted to take another picture!!!
When we got up to the entrance of the cave, we had to put on warm clothes. We had little gas lamps that we held, because no artificial light could be used inside the cave. The tour inside the cave took 75 minutes. It was VERY cold!! The natural Ice formations inside were incredible! However, I had started getting vertigo on the walk up to the cave, and inside it just got worse, so I had to stay close to the guide at the end. Ooh, also - inside the cave we walked 700 steps!!!!!!
I could have stayed longer in the Salzburg area, it was beautiful.
But the city of Innsbruck was recommended alot as a beautiful city, so I jumped on a train and headed west.
Only one night here in Innsbruck. Now off to Switzerland! Now, this is kind of interesting - the whole rest of the European Union uses Euro's as it's currency, but Switzerland has its own still! Also, apparently it is VERY expensive! The train will go from Innsbruck, over the border, then to Zurich, then to Bern, and then down to Interlaken.... so it will be a loooong day.... : ))))

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could have been there with you baby, Begeliun you always find a way around and find the coolest things, I like that about you so much.
