Saturday 31 July 2010


Vienna really is much cooler than I thought it was going to be!
On Tuesday I went on an organised "walking tour" through the city - I learned so much!
On Wednesday, Landon was feeling better, so we went to this treasury museum which had austrian relics dating back for over a 1000 years! Like a nail that held Jesus to the cross! - Really! It was saved and preserved and treasured, as were thorns from His crown!
There was also this crown that was used for all the emperors - made in the 10th Century.
I was sooooo excited to eat weiner Schnitzel!!!! Yummy!!!


  1. Hi Isabella, hi Landon,

    I took me a while to find out that you need an account to post a comment....

    Anyway, we just got back to hanover and we already miss the ocean, the sun and of course you two. To get in a better mood, we startet our day with a fish sandwich from Nordsee! Much cheaper than in Komiza! Kai went diving in dubrovnik which was totally differnt to andis diving school. He even got a torch when he was diving into another cave.
    What are your plans for the next weeks? Please let us know when you were planning to come to hanover! By the way, are you still in Vienna?
    See you soon, Kai + Anika

  2. oh my gosh I'm in Hanover right now! How do I get ahold of you?
