Friday 13 August 2010


The train trip from Innsbruck, Austria to Zurich, switzerland is GORGEOUS!!!!! Ah, the mountains!! Landon and I went to Interlaken first. We stayed in this Korean hostel.... hmmm. We were very surprised at all the asian folks in Interlaken actually! So, the next day we went and hiked in the Swiss alps!!!!! Wow! It was sooo beautiful! Really difficult hike, and it started raining half way through, but ya, sooo beautiful! We had a wonderful time! At the top I was soooo cold from the rain etc, that I couldn't stop shivering - I was cold to the bone! AND exhausted! Landon was great - he looked after me. I don't know what I would have done without him! That night we went and ate a cheese fondue - It's actually originally a swiss thing! That really warmed us up! We have a cool photo, but it's on Landons computer, so perhaps I will try to include it next time.

1 comment:

  1. I love taking care of you, remember body heat and sticking your hands up my shirt usually work the best. That hike was amazing, I was so proud of Bella for being such a trooper- swiss alps hiking girl!
