Sunday 22 August 2010

Off to Nederland

First of all, THANKS to Lauretta and Jair who have joined my blog!

So, after Geneva Landon and I decided to split again for a week. Landon decided to go to Paris (I have already been there before) and I decided to head up to Nederland. We traveled together on the train to paris and then I was to catch another one up north.... Well, while on the train we heard there was a problem at the next station stop, so I had to backtrack and go down south a little bit and ended up being 1 1/2 hrs late to paris! So, I missed my connection to Amsterdam.
The train put me up in a hotel for the night and I caught the first train the next morning, but that also had problems and we arrived over two hours late in Amsterdam. Phew! To be honest it doesn't bother me in the slightest - I absolutely LOVE being on trains!!! I actually wish the rides were longer!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bellers, Miss you, I love trains too! choo-choo
