Tuesday 13 July 2010

Museum day today!
We started our day at our B&B with an English breakfast which we shared with a lovely couple from Norway.
I wanted Landon to experience the tube, so we took the underground into central London, which I always LOVE to do anyway...
After we looked in the Lamborghini stores windows...(they don't have a door - you have to call to make an appointment!!!)and a little walk around the streets of Kensington (oooh, doesn't that sound posh!) we made it to the National History Museum. It was REALLY busy! - lot's of school kids! But I did learn some things like... The wearing of birth-stones began in the 18th Century in Poland!!! That was interesting to me because I do wear my peridot's!
Also, there were a lot of cool NZ things - some that I didn't know even!
Landon was famished after that, so I convinced him to try Indian food - and he loved it!
Then we went to the Victoria and Albert Museum, which was totally incredible and we preferred it over the other one. I wish I had the whole entire day to spend just there! - It was art and sculpture etc. And because I have just finished a class from school about European History I recognized a lot of the artists and the Medievel and Renaissance styles - it made the experience so much more fascinating and truly amazing that it would have been before! They also had a "Grace Kelly" exhibition that is going to be there until Sept. But you had to pay to get in to that part so we didn't do that.
We were soooo tired after that! We caught the double-decker bus back to Putney...


  1. hi you guys, I love this blog. I joined as a follower and just now figured out where to comment. I hope I can find it again next time! Love the pictures and info on what you are doing and seeing!! Thank you so much for keeping us posted it is REALLY REALLY neat to see and hear about your travels! Can't wait to find out whats next! Indian food looks interesting...! We are planning a book review for Cindy's book before she leaves. I love you guys Mom

  2. Hi Bella,

    Pics are fun! I'm with Jackie. We had a little dessert and book review here tonight - it was so fun! Have you added more than just this one post?

    Be strong in the Lord!
