Friday 23 July 2010


Hi all,
first of all, please comment on our blogs so we know you love us!...codependent?
We are doing this blog for all of you after all : )
We caught a ferry from Split to the Island of Vis two days ago. We are staying in this tall house with lots of rooms on each floor - we have a room on the top floor with a gorgeous view - unfortunately we have no pics to put on this post because we have to download the pics yet...
I bought Landon a snorkel and mask so now he has found a new hobbie and loves it! We also rented a scooter again and have explored the island on it.
Please please pray for a complete healing of my submandibular gland - It got the worst it has ever been and even grew under my tongue so large Landon said it looked like another tongue. I went to the small medical clinic on this Island - That was such an experience - sooooo very different from anything westernised with all it's rules. The dr was shocked when she looked in my mouth, and started showing anyone that was around - even a dentist! She tried to explain to me in broken english what she was going to do for me, and told me to come back tomorrow... I was given 4 prescriptions, and am Praise The Lord, starting to heal.
Ooops, my battery is dying, so I gotta go..

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