Sunday 18 July 2010


Dubrovnik is gorgeous!
We stayed in this room off this family's house for the first 3 nights. Our view was incredible! i will attach a picture of that...
It is soo very hot - and we thought it was hot in London - that was nothing!
Oh, also because the part of Dubrovnik that we stayed in was built on a hill, we walked about 100 (I will actually count them tomorrow...) stairs to get to our place. Phew - great excercise!!!!
Cherie and Andrew are staying at this flash hotel that they got married at (yesterday!) and the pool is gorgeous - so we have spent a few days there during the day swimming in the salty see, sunbathing, relaxing,and being so proud of Landon when he does like full-twist-back-flip's off the rocks!!! : )
So, the wedding was beautiful (albeit very hot, because the whole time was outside).
Oh, we rented a scooter for two days! So much fun! and very handy!! because otherwise we just walk everywhere in the heat!
Landon fits in great with the Cameron family here, and we are crashing on their couch for a couple nights.. before we explore northern croatia a bit by ourselves.
So, the money here is called Kuna. Today i got 300 Kuna out by my debit card, and all we bought with it was two slices of pizza and groceries for the family.. Now, in US dollars that works out to be about $60. Good thing, Landon is so good with numbers - he's keeping track of that, and is good with figuring out exchanges etc.

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