Wednesday 28 July 2010

Vienna, Austria...

Hmm, still no comments! Is anyone reading these?
We travelled straight for about 30 hours. First taking a croatian night train from Split to Zagreb - The train was kind of 3rd world - it smelled and was dirty, and strange, creepy men - I was very glad to have landon with me! He was very protective of me, it was sweet. The next morning arriving in Zagreb, we found a direct train from Zagreb to Vienna! We really wanted to get into the EU! We rode right through the middle of Slovenia and were checked by customs and passport control - boy were they thorough!! They looked at our passports for ages! Landon was kinda worried... But the train was MUCH nicer! Going through the south east of Austria was GORGEOUS!!!!
Landon got a cold/flu thing, and so slept for a long time when we got to our accomodation - I did some exploring yesterday- took a walking tour with a group - Vienna is incredible, the architecture, the history, the Wiener Schnitzel!!!!!!Yum!
Well, that's all for now.... until we get comments... - Landon says nobody reads this!??

1 comment:

  1. Vienna was amazing! I couldn't ask for any better memories.
